12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовал
Полянская Ирина Николаевна298
Россия, Москва, Москва

Test (The cosmanauts costumes)

What is the typical color of Russian cosmonauts' space suits?

a) Blue

b) Red

c) Orange

What material are Russian cosmonauts' space suits made of?

a) Cotton

b) Nomex

c) Kevlar

What is the purpose of the white stripes on Russian cosmonauts' space suits?

a) Enhance visibility

b) Identify rank

c) Reflect sunlight

4. How are Russian cosmonauts' gloves attached to their space suits?

a) Magnetic clips

b) Zippers

c) Velcro straps

5. What is the function of the detachable helmet on Russian cosmonauts' space suits?

a) Allows for easy access to the head

b) Facilitates communication

c) Protect against micrometeoroids 

6. What type of boots do Russian cosmonauts wear in space?

a) Magnetic

b) Leather

c) Rubber 

7. How do Russian cosmonauts stay warm in space?

a) Fire-resistant materials

b) Layered clothing

c) Electric heaters built into their suits 

8. What is the purpose of the ventilation system in Russian cosmonauts' space suits?

a) Regulates temperature

b) Filters out pollutants 

c) Supplies oxygen

9. How do Russian cosmonauts store personal items in their space suits?

a) Magnetic attachments

b) Velcro strips

c) Pockets

10. How long does it take Russian cosmonauts to put on their space suits?

a) 30 minutes

b) 2 hours

c) 1 hour 

Автор материала: М. Рахимова (1 курс)

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